Post-Black Friday Email Campaigns: Examples & Tips [2024]

Post-Black Friday Email Campaigns: Examples & Tips [2024]

Published By Marilia Dimitriou
October 21, 2024

Black Friday is over. Your team worked tirelessly, your campaigns were carefully planned, and the sales rolled in.

But as you review the results, you realize that not every customer has converted, and there are still abandoned carts and missed opportunities.

For instance, Sarah, a busy mom, was about to check out with a cart full of gifts, but something pulled her away. Now her cart sits abandoned. How do you remind her to complete her purchase? Or take Nick, who bought from you last year but hasn’t returned this time. What kind of follow-up could bring him back?

In this post, we’ll explore actionable tips and real Post-Black Friday email campaign examples to help you prepare for the next big wave: Cyber Monday and Christmas.

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Why You Need Post-Black Friday Email Campaigns

After the Black Friday rush, your email marketing efforts shouldn’t stop. Post-Black Friday email campaigns are essential for maximizing the value of your holiday traffic and ensuring you capture any missed opportunities.

Here are the key reasons why these follow-up campaigns are so important.

Recover lost sales

Many potential customers add items to their cart but don’t complete the purchase.

Sending abandoned cart reminders or targeted offers can bring them back to finalize their purchase, allowing you to recover sales that would otherwise be lost.

Additionally, if you didn’t meet your sales goals during the initial push, you can extend your offers for a limited time or introduce a new deal. This is especially useful if your emails got lost among all the Black Friday promotions—now’s your chance to stand out with a fresh offer, without all the holiday noise.

Prepare for Cyber Monday

Post-Black Friday emails are the perfect way to transition into Cyber Monday.

Teasing upcoming deals or offering early access to loyal customers can help keep the momentum going and maximize sales across both events.

Engage disengaged subscribers

Not all subscribers will purchase on Black Friday.

Sending re-engagement emails with personalized offers or incentives gives you a second chance to reach those who showed interest but didn’t convert.

Nurture leads who purchased once

Post-Black Friday campaigns offer a chance to nurture leads who made a one-time purchase.

There’s a variety of lead nurturing emails you can use. For instance, send product recommendations, tips on how to use their purchase, or loyalty programs to turn them into repeat buyers.

Build loyalty for the future

By continuing to connect with customers after the big sale, you foster long-term relationships.

Thank-you emails, loyalty rewards, and personalized follow-ups can help build customer loyalty, encouraging repeat purchases.

Now let’s see some great examples from popular brands.

Best Post-Black Friday Campaign Examples

From cart abandonment reminders to sale extensions, here are some real-world examples of post-Black Friday emails and what makes them work.

1. MeUndies last day to shop

Subject line: 😱 LAST DAY To Shop Our Pack Friday™ Sale 😱

post-black friday email campaigns

This last-day-to-shop email campaign from MeUndies is designed to create urgency and encourage customers to take action before the sale ends.

Here’s what works:

  • The language is urgent and direct, using phrases like “Wake up!” and “Last chance” to push customers toward a quick decision.
  • The main body copy is friendly and relatable, while also emphasizing the benefits of the sale, such as savings up to 66%.
  • The layout is clean and easy to navigate, with the key message and action points standing out clearly.
  • The call-to-action button uses a bright, eye-catching color, making it hard to miss.
  • Using FOMO (fear of missing out) during Black Friday sales drives customers to make faster purchase decisions, ensuring they don’t miss out on limited-time deals.

2. Columbia Sportswear’s twist on abandoned cart

Subject line: Price drop on your favorites!

columbia sportswear abandoned cart email for black friday


Here’s a post-Black Friday email example from Columbia Sportswear offering a cart reminder with a promotional twist. It targets customers who showed interest in an item but didn’t complete the purchase, encouraging them to return with a price drop.

Here’s what works:

  • The email addresses the customer directly with “That gear you like? Its price just went down,” making it feel personalized and relevant.
  • The email deisgn is simple and well-organized, allowing customers to focus on the key elements: the price drop, product recommendations, and ongoing sales.
  • The “Reveal New Price” sparks curiosity, encouraging customers to click and explore the updated offer.
  • Below the main product, a “You May Also Like” section cross-sells similar items, encouraging more browsing.

Abandoned cart emails are a simple yet powerful way to remind customers about the products they’ve left behind, especially on Black Friday. By sending timely reminders, you can nudge them to complete their purchase and recover those missed sales.

3. Gibsons Steak Shop Black Friday sale extension

Subject line: Black Friday Extended Sale | 15% Off the Shop

gibsons steak shop promotional email campaihn

This sale extension from Gibsons Steak Shop is a great example of a post-Black Friday campaign. It gives customers more time and flexibility to make their purchases, encouraging them to benefit from the deal even after the main event has ended.

Here’s what works:

  • The extended promotion adds urgency while giving extra time to those who couldn’t decide earlier.
  • Highlighting free shipping over a specific order value adds even more incentive to make a purchase.
  • Customers can save on various products, providing multiple incentives to take advantage of the extended deal.
  • High-quality product images and ample white space make the email visually appealing and easy to navigate.

This is a smart way to capture additional sales and keep the momentum going as you head into Cyber Monday or beyond.

4. Converse’s early Cyber Monday campaign

Subject line: Early access to 30% off sitewide

converse post black friday email campaign for cyber monday

Converse’s Cyber Monday email promotes early access for members, creating a sense of exclusivity and urgency.

Here’s what works:

  • Offering early access to members only makes recipients feel valued and encourages them to engage.
  • The 30% discount in the center grabs immediate attention.
  • Simple CTAs (“Shop Women’s” and “Shop Men’s”) make it easy for different segments of your list to start shopping.
  • The design is clean, using a single image and vibrant colors to make the product stand out.
  • Mentioning free delivery over £50 adds another incentive to complete purchases.

To make your Cyber Monday campaigns more impactful, choose newsletter images that are high-quality, visually engaging, and relevant to your message.

Platforms like Moosend offer advanced visual options, allowing you to add GIFs and videos to make your product emails even more stunning.

Try Moosend’s editor

5. Velasca’s sales reminder email

Subject line: The next few hours of Black Friday

Velasca plain text sales reminder

Now here’s a follow-up Black Friday email from Velasca that uses a plain-text format to create a more personal exchange between the Customer Care Manager and the subscriber.

Here’s what works:

  • The plain-text format and informal greeting (“Ciao”) make the email feel personal and friendly as if it’s coming from a real person rather than a brand.
  • The copy is clear and to the point, emphasizing urgency with phrases like “last few hours” and “ends at midnight.”
  • The discount code (BF2023) is simple and easy for customers to use at checkout.
  • There are links to the gift guide and product collection to help customers browse more easily.
  • The P.S. section acts as a reminder about additional Black Friday deals.

Emails that feel personal have a greater chance of receiving clicks compared to generic, promotional ones, as they create a stronger connection with the recipient and feel more authentic.

6. Les Cleias thank you for your purchase email

Subject line: Order # Confirmed

les cleias thank you emails example for black friday

This post-purchase thank-you email from Les Cleias effectively thanks the customer for their purchase while reinforcing the value of their decision.

Here’s what works:

  • The email gives a detailed breakdown of the products purchased, with images, ensuring customers can easily review their order.
  • There’s a highlight of the money the customer saved (€22.35), which helps emphasize the value they received from their purchase.
  • The “View your order” and “Visit our store” buttons give customers easy options for tracking their purchases or browsing more items.
  • The email addresses the customer by name, adding a personal touch and helping build a stronger connection.

Thank-you messages and order confirmation emails are an important post-Black Friday follow-up that keeps customers informed about their purchase, ensuring they feel confident and valued after taking advantage of the sale.

By providing clear order details and highlighting the savings, this transactional email will help you maintain a positive relationship with the customer, encouraging future interactions.

Additional resources

7. Bose’s product review Black Friday email

Subject line: Save up to 50% on speakers and headphones | Black Friday is here

bose product review email example

This Post-Black Friday email campaign from Bose uses product reviews to encourage indecisive shoppers to purchase by showcasing the positive experiences of previous customers.

Here’s what works:

  • Customer reviews are used to build trust and reduce hesitation for indecisive shoppers.
  • The discount ($80 off) is highlighted, showing immediate value to the customer.
  • High-quality product images and a clean design draw attention to the product and review.
  • Simple, direct CTAs (“Shop Now”) make it easy for customers to act immediately.
  • A reminder of additional Black Friday deals encourages further browsing and adds urgency.

Sending product review emails after Black Friday helps engage undecided customers by providing social proof and highlighting the value of missed deals.

8. Salesflare lead nurturing email campaign

Subject line: How to Use a CRM to Close More Deals

salesflare saas example for post black friday

This email from Salesflare provides valuable educational content to help users maximize their CRM and boost sales efforts.

Here’s what works:

  • The headline focuses on a benefit: “Close More Deals.”
  • Educational content helps users get more value from the CRM, keeping the brand top of mind.
  • Additional resources (guides, alternatives) offer actionable takeaways for continued engagement.
  • The clean design keeps the content focused, while helpful links drive interaction.

For service-based products (like software or fitness apps), sending educational resources or exclusive content can maintain engagement post-Black Friday, especially after periods of heavy promotion. This helps you stay relevant and might lead to future referrals or reviews.

Post-Black Friday Email Marketing Tips

Below are some effective Post-Black Friday email tips to help you make the most of this key shopping period.

1. Recover lost sales with abandoned cart emails

Many customers abandon their carts during Black Friday due to distractions or indecision.

Sending a reminder right after Black Friday—within 24 to 48 hours—will help you re-engage them.

To make these reminders effective, include a clear CTA, offer a discount or free shipping, and highlight the items they left behind to encourage them to complete their purchase.

If you’re looking to get started, here are some helpful resources:

Now, you can set up your automated workflow to target abandoned carts at the right time. Moosend’s automation tools allow you to send personalized emails based on customer actions, helping you reconnect with shoppers and encourage them to complete their purchases.

moosend abandoned cart email automation

Try Moosend

2. Win back customers with re-engagement emails

Instead of just sending the same email with a different subject line, create a fresh email with personalized offers or additional incentives, like a small discount or free gift.

This shows customers you value them and encourages them to reconsider making a purchase.

Here’s how to approach it:

  • Revise the copy: Adjust the wording to reflect the urgency or purpose of the follow-up, making it feel more targeted.
  • Create something new: Build a fresh email with new visuals and messaging that focuses on post-Black Friday offers or limited-time incentives.
  • Send a personal, plain text email: A simple, plain text message from customer care can feel more personal, increasing engagement with customers who need a nudge.

Here’s an example from Beefree’s Black Friday email campaign:

befree black friday email campaign

And here’s the reminder, using a more appropriate email copy to nudge customers to act:

befree black friday email campaign reminder

You can take this a step further by highlighting products they viewed or similar recommendations to make the email feel more tailored and relevant.

Further reading: For more inspiration, here are some great re-engagement email examples.

3. Create urgent email copy and subject lines

Speaking of tweaking your email copy, you can take advantage of urgency and scarcity to make your Post-Black Friday emails work.

Use strong post-Black Friday subject lines to grab attention and create urgency. Instead of generic messages, focus on making customers feel like they’re running out of time to score deals.

Here are a few examples:

  • Hurry! 30% OFF ends midnight! (Cox & Cox)
  • FINAL CALL – Black Friday ends at midnight ⏰ (Argos)
  • 😨 THIS IS IT 😨 (Walmart)

These types of subject lines are more likely to stand out in inboxes and encourage customers to open and act quickly before the deals are gone. You can also add emojis like the above to boost urgency. Just don’t overdo it with too many of them.

Similarly, in the email body, highlight that time is running out, and emphasize phrases like “Ending Soon” or “Limited Stock Available,” or “Soon they’ll be gone” to push customers to act quickly. Urgent messaging gives hesitant shoppers a reason to buy now before they miss out.

Here’s a great Post-Black Friday email campaign from Walmart:

walmart email example for black friday

4. Promote Cyber Monday with teaser emails

Teasing Cyber Monday deals is one of the most common post-Black Friday email strategies.

To use it efficiently, you need to create a smooth transition between the two sales events.

Start by adding a teaser section in your Black Friday emails to hint at upcoming Cyber Monday deals to create excitement and encourage customers to stay tuned.

The day after Black Friday, send two types of emails:

  • For Black Friday shoppers: Offer early access to Cyber Monday deals as a reward for their purchase, making them feel valued and encouraging more sales.
  • For non-converters: Send a teaser email to those who didn’t shop during Black Friday, highlighting the bigger discounts coming up for Cyber Monday to entice them.

This approach keeps your brand on top of mind and encourages further engagement as Cyber Monday approaches.

Additional resources

Take a look at our dedicated Cyber Monday resources for more tips:

5. Offer personalized product recommendations

By analyzing what customers browsed or purchased during Black Friday, you can suggest relevant products they might be interested in, increasing the chances of a purchase.

Automation tools make this process easy. Set up automated workflows to send personalized emails that highlight complementary items or similar products based on the customer’s behavior the day before.

For example, if someone bought a jacket, recommend matching accessories or winter gear in your follow-up emails.

Personalized recommendations show customers that you understand their preferences, making them more likely to engage with your post-Black Friday offers.

You can make the most of your data to create personalized content by using tools like Moosend to tailor your emails based on customer preferences and behavior.

moosend product reccomendations

Try Moosend’s automation

6. Highlight top-selling products and customer favorites

Did you know that shoppers are more likely to buy when they see that others have already made the same choice? That’s the power of social proof.

In your follow-up email, highlight popular Black Friday items as “Customer Favorites” or “Top Sellers.” This reassures shoppers that these are trusted, high-demand products that they must also have.

Here’s an example from Truly Beauty’s email:

truly beauty customer favorite product reccomendations

You can either insert your top-selling products in your follow-ups or create a dedicated Post-Black Friday email to feature them for better results.

7. Build loyalty through ongoing campaigns

After Black Friday, it’s important to focus not just on immediate sales but on building long-term customer loyalty.

A great way to do this is by creating follow-up campaigns that keep your brand top of mind and encourage repeat purchases long after Black Friday.

Consider sending lead nurturing campaigns with exclusive offers for your loyal customers, such as early access to upcoming sales, loyalty rewards, or sneak peeks at new collections.

You can also create value-driven campaigns like tips on how to use the products they purchased, or personalized recommendations based on past buying behavior.

Plus, next Black Friday you can surprise loyal customers with a VIP sale like Joybird:

joybird VIP email campaign

Regular engagement through thoughtful campaigns shows customers you care beyond the initial purchase, build a deeper relationship, and encourage loyalty that lasts well beyond the holiday season.

Further reading: Don’t know how to start a loyalty program for your customers? Find out in our how to create a loyalty program guide.

Black Friday Email Marketing Resources

Below, we compiled our Black Friday email marketing resources to help you during the busiest time of the year.

Post-Black Friday Email Campaigns for More Sales

Post-Black Friday email campaigns are essential for recovering lost sales, engaging inactive customers, and building long-term loyalty.

By using strategies like cart abandonment reminders, personalized product recommendations, and teaser emails for Cyber Monday, you can keep customers engaged and drive additional revenue.

Thoughtful follow-ups and well-timed campaigns will help ensure you make the most of this critical shopping period and strengthen customer relationships for the future.

You can maximize your post-Black Friday results today with targeted email campaigns. With the right strategy and tools, like Moosend’s automation platform, you can recover lost sales, engage customers, and set the stage for future success.

Sign up for a free Moosend account and explore the features that will help you recover lost sales and grow your customer base.

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