50+ Email Marketing Statistics To Learn In 2024

50+ Email Marketing Statistics To Learn In 2024

Published By Alexandra Marinaki
September 3, 2024

What are the most impressive email marketing statistics for 2021? Find them all here and learn everything about the power of emails for businesses.

Marketers can quickly tell how essential email marketing is to boost their sales and brand awareness. For example, you can bring new leads to your business or nurture your relationships with existing customers and convert them into loyal ambassadors. Long story short, it’s a digital marketing tool that can turn into a real asset for your business.

Below, we’ve gathered some valuable statistics for email marketing from trustworthy reports and benchmark data. Whether you’re new to email marketing or have more experience with it, they can inspire you to level up your marketing efforts and get the open and click-through rates your business deserves.

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General Email Marketing Statistics

Let’s kick off with some generic stats around email marketing. How many emails are delivered per day, and how do shoppers interact with them? Can promotional emails affect consumer behavior, and why? Read on to find out more:

email marketing statistics by Statista

  • In 2020, there were four billion global email users, and by 2025, this number can grow up to 4.6 billion. – Statista
  • 306.4 billion is the approximate number of emails that were sent and delivered in 2020. This figure is estimated to reach 376.4 by 2025. – Statista
  • Small business owners ranked email marketing as the second most important medium to build brand awareness after social media marketing. – Campaign Monitor
  • 47% of marketers stated that email is their most effective marketing channel, followed by social media marketing (39%), SEO (33%), and content marketing (33%). – GetResponse
  • Gmail is the most popular email platform exceeding 1.8 billion monthly users around the world. – Techjury
  • 43% of US respondents stated that they check their work emails outside business hours. – Statista
  • 49% of consumers reported that they’d like to receive weekly promotional emails from their favorite brands. – Statista

Email Subject Line & Content Stats

How can you craft an email marketing campaign that can make a difference and ultimately increase your conversion rates? Everything starts from the subscriber’s mailbox and the subject line. Here, we’ll present you with some stats related to successful email content to keep drawing your customers’ attention once they’ve opened your emails and get some valuable clicks. Let’s see:

subject line statistic


  • The average number of email characters in a subject line is 43.85. – AWeber
  • The word “video” on the email subject line increases the open rate by 19% and the click-through rate by 65%. Plus, it decreases unsubscribes by 26%. – Syndacast
  • Only 6.9% out of 1000 subject lines analyzed included emojis. – AWeber
  • Including videos in your email content can increase your click rates up to 300%. – Martech Advisor
  • Emails that end with “Thanks in advance” or similar variations received higher responses than other sign-offs. – Boomerang
  • In a survey about email signatures, 75% of them included contact information. 60% of people shared their phone number, and fewer had their social media profiles – Twitter (7%), Facebook (3%), and LinkedIn (2%). – MarTech

Email Click-Through & Open Rates Stats

When sending an email to your subscribers, you set a particular goal and want your readers to take a specific action. That’s why the vast majority of business emails contain the so-called call-to-action (CTA) buttons. To determine the success of their campaigns, email marketers monitor email open and click-through rates (CTR). Here is some valuable information around these metrics:

  • The average open rate for email newsletters across all industries is 21.33%. – Mailchimp
  • Friday is the best day to send emails, with the highest open (18.9%) and click-through rates (2.7%). – Campaign Monitor
  • Emails related to the Government and Non-profit sectors receive the highest open rates. – Campaign Monitor
  • Plain-text emails have higher performance, even though most respondents stated they preferred image-based HTML emails. – Hubspot
  • 63% of people said that they open an email to find discounts. – Media Post
  • Welcome emails have the highest open rates (91.43%) with an average CTR of 26.9%, outperforming other email marketing types. – Hive
  • The average click-to-open rate for all industries is 14.1%. – Campaign Monitor

Email Deliverability Stats

Email deliverability is one of the most crucial parameters in email marketing. In short, it’s the ability to make it to your subscriber’s inbox. Ensuring it is significant for your success, so you cannot leave it to luck. Here are some useful stats to grasp in that area:

  • 11.1% of all emails never reach the mailbox because of deliverability issues. – EmailToolTester
  • 88.9% is the percentage of the average email deliverability rate. – EmailToolTester
  • Spam emails took over 47.3 percent of the total email traffic share in September 2020. – Statista
  • In 2019, the average unsubscribe rate was 0.2%, and the spam rate reached 0.02%.  – GetResponse

Email Marketing ROI Statistics

As you’ve probably understood, email marketing can increase your return on investment and maximize your sales and business growth. Here are some numbers that justify this statement:

  • For every $1 you spend on email marketing campaigns, you can get a $42 return on average. – Litmus
  • 70% of marketers monitor click-through rates to measure the success of their email campaigns, while 60% keep track of conversion rates. – DMA
  • Automated emails drive 320% more revenue compared to non-automated emails. – Campaign Monitor
  • When marketed via email, consumers tend to spend 138% more than shoppers that do not receive email offers. – Disruptive Advertising
  • Only 30% of brands believe that they can measure their email marketing ROIs adequately. – Litmus

Email Automation Statistics

Marketing automation software has proven to be game-changing for B2C and B2B business owners and marketers. Learn these helpful automation stats and find the best marketing tool to meet your business goals:

automation techniques stats

  • On average, 51% of businesses are using automation to refine their marketing processes. – Email Monday
  • Trigger-based emails – also known as transactional emails – outperform batch and nurture ones and are three times more efficient. – Imagination
  • The three major benefits of email automation for businesses are saving time (30%), lead generation (22%), and an increase in revenue (17%). – GetResponse

Email Segmentation & Personalization Stats

Personalized marketing can work miracles for your business. With this term, we refer to a data-driven strategy that aims to deliver highly personalized experiences to customers and prospects that serve their individual needs. One way to implement it is by creating segmented email lists. Need more evidence to apply it? Have a look:

  • Emails with personalized subject lines can increase open rates by 26%. – Campaign Monitor
  • Segmented email campaigns caused a 760% increase in revenue. – Campaign Monitor
  • Segmented campaigns had 100.95% clicks compared to non-segmented emails globally. – Mailchimp
  • Through proper targeting, marketers can drive three times the revenue per email of broadcast emails. – ClickZ
  • 74% of marketers said that customer engagement increases through targeted personalization.  – Campaign Monitor

B2B Email Marketing Statistics

Let’s assume that you own a B2B organization. What kind of email marketing stats should you consider when building or optimizing your strategy? Here are a few trends to start with, mainly related to content distribution:

B2C Email Marketing Statistics

And what about B2C? In eCommerce, communications through email can nurture your relationship with customers and turn them into real fans of your brand. Let’s explore more:

Β2C email and content marketing stats

  • 72% of B2C marketers utilize email marketing software to support content distribution. – Content Marketing Insitute
  • According to a recent survey, 59% of respondents claimed that marketing emails influenced their purchase decisions, with half of them buying from those emails at least once per month. – SaleCycle
  • Abandonment cart emails have 45% open rates, and 21% of them are clicked on. Plus, half of the users that clicked completed a purchase. – Moosend
  • 81% of retail professionals said that email marketing is great for customer acquisition, and 80% for customer retention. – Emarsys

Mobile Email Marketing Stats

Finally, consumers spend lots of time on their mobile devices checking email updates. Inevitably, some of the purchase decisions they make happen on the spot. Let’s dive more into that:

mobile marketing stats


  • 56% of emails are opened on Apple’s iPhone (29%) and Gmail (27%). – Litmus
  • 42.3.% of consumers delete emails that are not optimized for mobile. – SaleCycle
  • In 2019, 41.9% of emails were opened on mobile clients. – Litmus
  • 60% of smartphone users have contacted a business straight from search results. – Think with Google

How To Improve Your Email Marketing Performance

In this article, we shared general data around email marketing from multiple sources. But how can you use that info to optimize your email marketing strategy? Here are a few tips for you to upgrade your game and get all the revenue your business deserves out of great emails:

1. Write An Inviting Subject Line

According to the stats above, targeted subject lines can convince your email subscribers to open your emails and take the desired action. First off, personalizing the subject lines is undoubtedly a successful tactic. Despite that, here’s what else to keep in mind:

  • Craft a concise subject line that will draw the reader’s attention straight ahead.
  • Create a consistent experience by aligning the subject line with your brand voice.
  • Ensure that the goal of the email is reflected from the very beginning.

For example, let’s imagine that you want to find the best subject line for a welcome email, as based on recent stats, they get high open rates. Here are some suggestions:

“Welcome to Moosend! Here’s what’s next.”

“Get started with Moosend.”

“Thanks for joining Moosend.”

However, avoid using misleading or forceful words, such as “urgent” or “now,” as your emails may end up in the spam folder. And if you want to find the best subject line for your email but you’re uncertain about it, you can try Moosend’s free subject line tester, Refine.

Or you can experiment with A/B testing. Which is?

2. Conduct A/B Testing

With A/B testing, you can test two different versions of an email segment, and the most successful will prevail. For instance, you can compare two different subject line variations, and the one that receives the most opens will be sent to the vast majority of your subscribers.

Thus, this method allows you to experiment with different email aspects and see how your subscribers respond to them. Identifying recurring patterns will help you optimize these processes in the future and gradually move towards success.

3. Try List Segmentation

On the way to delivering personalized experiences to subscribers, customer segmentation is a must. By dividing your shoppers into segmented lists, you can target them based on their needs, and thus, you have higher chances of getting the open and click-through rates you desire.

For example, you can divide your customer base into different groups based on demographics, such as age or geographic location. You can also make a list of top purchasers, inactive subscribers, or coupon lovers, to name a few.

customer segmentation categories


Whatever your criteria are, include the customer journey stage in the formula to craft convincing stories for your customers. Once you’re ready, write compelling email copy that matches your brand voice and create a call-to-action (CTA) that’s hard to miss.

4. Monitor Your Analytics

Determining how efficient your email marketing strategy is based on the data shared above is not enough. Instead, you should set your own KPIs based on your industry and market trends and keep track of them regularly.

And remember, increasing your email ROI overnight is not feasible. Allow yourselves to make mistakes in the process to improve in the future. There is no such thing as a magic recipe. So feel free to use the email stats to set some primary goals and see what works for you.

5. Try An Email Spam Checker

But what happens when your emails end up in the spam/junk folder, even when you’ve got your subscribers’ opt-in? This can damage your sender’s reputation in the long run and cause damage to your email marketing strategy.

If your lists are updated and you have all your subscribers’ consent to mail them, you can use an email spam checker to avoid trouble. In brief, it will test how your email will perform for certain ISPs and email clients and recommend ways to fix potential issues.

6. Get An All-In-One Marketing Solution

We saved the best for last! If you want to take control of your email marketing activities, it’s best to find a marketing platform that lets you perform most of those actions in one place. An email automation solution like Moosend has all the features you need to set up promotional and transactional emails in simple steps and easily track their performance.

Plus, via API connectors, you can couple it with your existing tech stack, such as your CRM solution, and make the most of it.

Email Marketing Stats Can Show You The Way

In a nutshell, these key email marketing statistics can shed light on how effective some tactics are. You can use that data to compare it with your own results and see if you are heading the right way.

But keep in mind that email marketing is constantly evolving and that every market has its own rules and trends. What matters the most is learning everything about your buyer personas and how they usually behave to mark your process as successful or not. Use the stats to get inspired, and then draw your own pathways to conversion.

Are you looking for an email automation platform with smart features to streamline your email marketing processes? Sign up for a Moosend account and start your journey today!

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