Get Personal And Make Sales With Advanced Product Recommendations

Send product recommendations that hit home every time and let our highly intelligent machine become your sales team.

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Decoding Similar Tastes

Lookalike customers are a gold mine. Set collaborative filtering in motion and filter out items that a user might like on the basis of reactions by similar users.

Helping Them With Their Next Best Buy

Did Josh buy a new smartphone? Then he will need a brand-new phone case for that too! Anticipate your customers’ needs and increase average order value by recommending the right additional product every time.

From One-time Buyers To Loyal Customers

Increase customer retention and sell more by sending timely notifications when it’s time to restock a favourite product.

Small Business, Big Data

You might not be Amazon, but you can do product recommendation like Amazon. Our huge database, with millions of rows of interaction data from big businesses around the globe, becomes yours and “trains” your product recommendations to think like the big players do. Recommended for you, small business owner!

Keep Your Stack Aligned With Integrations

Expand the capabilities of Moosend by integrating it with all your favourite apps and tools.

More Integrations

That’s How Product Recommendations Roll

Today, most visits to an ecommerce site don’t yield recommendation clicks, but the visits that do are highly productive. In fact, visits where the shopper clicked a recommendation comprise just 7% of visits, but drive an astounding 24% of orders and 26% of revenue.


Experience Email Marketing Today

Moosend has all the tools you need to grow your business effectively. Take control of your email campaigns today!