80 Glorious Marketing Quotes To Empower and Inspire You
Dear marketer, where exactly do you drive inspiration from when things at work get tricky? Hopefully, there are plenty of marketing quotes that can motivate you to surf the nasty waves once they arrive!
Upcoming deadlines, complex tasks, or marketing plan hiccups are some of the common challenges you may face in marketing. So how can you power up quickly and move on against all odds?
Here, you’ll find some of the best marketing quotes ever said by famous marketers, entrepreneurs, keynote speakers, or authors. Tailored to all positions and needs, they will help you revive your zest and look at your tasks through a new lens!
Plus, if you’re a marketing manager or creative team leader, you can share these quotes with your teammates. This initiative will keep your spirits up and propel your team to thrive!
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General Marketing Quotes
- “Don’t find customers for your products, find products for your customers.” – Seth Godin
- “Build something 100 people love, not something 1 million people kind of like.” – Brian Chesky
- “Our jobs as marketers are to understand how the customer wants to buy and help them to do so.” – Bryan Eisenberg
- “Focus on the core problem your business solves and put out lots of content and enthusiasm and ideas about how to solve that problem.” – Laura Fitton
- “Good marketing makes the company look smart. Great marketing makes the customer feel smart.” – Joe Chernov
- “People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it.” – Simon Sinek
- “Know thyself. Know the customer. Innovate.” – Beth Comstock
- “The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well the product and services fits him and sells itself.” – Peter Drucker
- “Good marketers see consumers as complete human beings with all the dimensions real people have.” – Jonah Sachs
Marketing Strategy Quotes
- “Smart brands don’t just ride trend shifts. They start them.” – Ann Handley
- “Master the topic, the message, and the delivery.” – Steve Jobs
- “You are everywhere, but you don’t have to be. Strategy is a decision to take a path, to say no.” – Kristina Halvorson
- “The marketing funnel can give marketers funnel-vision. In focusing on the transaction over the relationship, marketers can lose sight of the actual consumer the funnel was designed to reach.” – Tom Fishburne
- “Where we always start is: What’s the user’s itch? What’s their pain point that occurs frequently enough to build a habit around?” – Nir Eyal
- “Listen to your customers, not your competitors.” – Joel Spolsky
- “If you have more money than brains, you should focus on outbound marketing. If you have more brains than money, you should focus on inbound marketing.” – Guy Kawasaki
- “Marketing without data is like driving with your eyes closed.” – Dan Zarrella
- “Marketing strategy will impact every piece of your business, and it should be tied to every piece of your business.” – Brandon Andersen
Social Media Marketing Quotes
- “Getting the like is easy. It’s a light action. Anything else requires trust.” – Jon Loomer
- “Content is fire, social media is gasoline.” – Jay Baer
- “Social media requires that business leaders start thinking like small-town shop owners. This means taking the long view and avoiding short-term benchmarks to gauge progress. It means allowing the personality, heart, and soul of the people who run all levels of the business to show.” – Gary Vaynerchuk
- “Social media is about the people. Not about your business. Provide for the people and the people will provide for you.” – Matt Goulart
- “It’s a dialogue, not a monologue, and some people don’t understand that. Social media is more like a telephone than a television.” – Amy Jo Martin
- “People share, read, and generally engage more with any type of content when it’s surfaced through friends and people they know and trust.” – Malorie Lucich
- “Successful companies in social media function more like entertainment companies, publishers, or party planners than as traditional advertisers.” – Erik Qualman
- “Social media is about sociology and psychology more than technology.” – Brian Solis
Digital Marketing Quotes
- “Instead of one-way interruption, web marketing is about delivering useful content at just the right moment that a buyer needs it.” – David Meerman Scott
- “Don’t build links. Build relationships.” – Rand Fishkin
- “Inbound marketing and account-based marketing are like a taco and a burrito. They have the same ingredients, they’re just shaped differently.” – Joe Chernov
- “It’s much easier to double your business by doubling your conversion rate than doubling your traffic.” – Bryan Eisenberg
- “SEO is a marketing function for sure, but it needs to be baked into a product, not slapped on like icing after the cake is baked.” – Duane Forrester
- “You can’t just place a few ‘Buy’ buttons on your website and expect your visitors to buy.” – Neil Patel
- “Google only loves you when everyone else loves you first.” – Wendy Piersall
- “Marketers need to build digital relationships and reputation before closing a sale.” – Chris Brogan
- “Every trackable interaction creates a data-point, and every data-point tells a piece of the customer’s story.” – Paul Roetzer
- “Search engine marketing and search engine optimization are critically important to online businesses. You can spend every penny you have on a website, but it will all be for nothing if nobody knows your site is there.” – Marc Ostrofsky
Email Marketing Quotes
- “Email has an ability many channels don’t: creating valuable, personal touches – at scale.” – David Newman
- “On the highway to user/product love, lifecycle emails are road signs providing timely guidance, not annoying billboards.” – Samuel Hulick
- “Every email is a customer survey of your target market, by testing they vote on what resonates best with them.” – Kath Pay
- “Not viewing your email marketing as content is a mistake.” – Chris Baggott
- “Incorporate easy email marketing strategies with your Facebook efforts to see bigger results (aka profits!).” – Amy Porterfield
- “I want to do business with a company that treats emailing me as a privilege, not a transaction.” – Andrea Mignolo
- “If social media is the cocktail party, then email marketing is the ‘meet up for coffee’. The original 1 to 1 channel.” – Erik Harbison
Content Marketing Quotes
- “Content builds relationships. Relationships are built on trust. Trust drives revenue.” – Andrew Davis
- “Content is king.” – Bill Gates
- “Power doesn’t come from content, power comes from the content that moves.” – Mark Schaefer
- “Content marketing is like a first date. If you only talk about yourself, there won’t be a second one.” – David Beebe
- “Content is anything that adds value to the reader’s life.” – Avinash Kaushik
- “Your top of the funnel content must be intellectually divorced from your product but emotionally wed to it.” – Joe Chernov
- “Content is the reason search began in the first place.” – Lee Odden
- “Good content isn’t about good storytelling. It’s about telling a true story well.” – Ann Handley
- “Content is the atomic particle of all digital marketing.” – Rebecca Lieb
Storytelling Quotes
- “Make your customers the hero of your stories.” – Ann Handley
- “If your stories are all about your products and services, that’s not storytelling. It’s a brochure. Give yourself permission to make the story bigger.” – Jay Baer
- “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou
- “Marketing is no longer about the stuff that you make, but about the stories you tell.” – Seth Godin
- “We are all storytellers. We all live in a network of stories. There isn’t a stronger connection between people than storytelling.” – Jimmy Neil Smith
- “Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing about.” – Benjamin Franklin
Quotes on Advertising
- “Nobody reads ads. People read what interests them. Sometimes, it’s an ad.” – Howard Gossage
- “Advertising in the final analysis should be news. If it is not news it is worthless.” – Adolph Ochs
- “On average, 8 out of 10 people will read your headline copy, but only 2 out 10 will read the rest.” – Brian Clark
- “What really decides consumers to buy or not to buy is the content of your advertising, not its form.” – David Ogilvy
- “Advertising brings in customers, but word-of-mouth brings in the best customers.” – Jonah Berger
- “If great content is the hero, then banners are the villain.” – Michael Brenner
Quotes on Branding
- “A brand is no longer what we tell the consumer it is – it’s what consumers tell each other it is.” – Scott Cook
- “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.” – Warren Buffett
- “Making promises and keeping them is a great way to build a brand.” – Seth Godin
- “Brand is just a perception, and perception will match reality over time.” – Elon Musk
- “A brand for a company is like a reputation for a person. You earn reputation by trying to do hard things well.” – Amazon leadership principles Jeff Bezos
- “If people believe they share values with a company, they will stay loyal to the brand.” – Howard Schultz
Network Marketing Quotes
- “In network marketing, the whole point is not to sell a product but to build a network, an army of people who are all representing that same product or service to share with others.” – Robert Kiyosaki
- “You will get all you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want.” – Zig Ziglar
- “It’s all about people. It’s about networking and being nice to people and not burning any bridges.” – Mike Davidson
- “The successful networkers I know, the ones receiving tons of referrals and feeling truly happy about themselves, continually put the other person’s needs ahead of their own.” – Bob Burg
Creativity Quotes
- “To think creatively, we must be able to look afresh at what we normally take for granted.” – George Kneller
- “Creativity is intelligence having fun.” – Albert Einstein
- “Nothing begets creativity like constraints.” – Christopher Mims
- “Worry is a waste of imagination.” – Walt Disney
- “An essential aspect of creativity is not being afraid to fail.” – Edwin Land
- “Creativity without strategy is called art, creativity with strategy is called advertising.” – Jef Richards
What’s Your Favorite Quote?
Have you chosen your best-loved motivational quote from this list? If yes, we prompt you to share it with your online network and kick off an inspiring conversation! You can also write it on a post-it note and stick it on your desk to get fired up every day!
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