Leveraging CSA’s Complaint Metrics To Enhance Email Deliverability: A Deep Dive Into Moosend’s Approach

Leveraging CSA’s Complaint Metrics To Enhance Email Deliverability: A Deep Dive Into Moosend’s Approach

Published By Sarah Papadopoulou
August 19, 2024

At Moosend, ensuring optimal email deliverability isn’t just a goal—it’s a commitment backed by robust tools and methodologies. With access to the Certified Sender Alliance (CSA) Monitoring tool, we’ve empowered ourselves to proactively address potential deliverability challenges for our clients.

One of the key metrics we used to achieve that was the complaint rate, a critical indicator that helps us pinpoint areas for improvement and maintain our clients’ sender reputations.

In this post, we’ll see how exactly we leveraged this specific metric to improve email deliverability.

Understanding Complaint Metrics

Complaint metrics provide invaluable insights into how recipients perceive and interact with email campaigns.

You can easily calculate it using the formula below:

complaint rate formula

At Moosend, we closely monitor the complaint rate of each client.

A complaint rate exceeding 0.1% raises a red flag, prompting us to delve deeper into the client’s email practices.

However, through CSA’s monitoring tool, we start all investigations focusing on the high sending volume senders and complaint rates of 0.3% or more.

Combining Metrics for Comprehensive Analysis

When a client surpasses the threshold, we initiate a thorough investigation.

This involves analyzing various metrics and aspects of their email campaigns:

  • Sending volume: We examine the volume of emails sent to determine if high frequency correlates with increased complaints.
  • Opt-in tactics: We assess the client’s subscriber acquisition methods to ensure compliance with best practices and legal requirements.
  • Campaign frequency: Frequency plays a crucial role in subscriber engagement. We evaluate whether over-sending may contribute to higher complaint rates.
  • Subscription dources: Reviewing where subscribers originate helps us validate the quality of the list and the relevance of the content.
  • Mailbox provider reactions: Understanding how different ISPs and mailbox providers respond to our client’s emails provides insights into broader deliverability challenges.

How to Improve Email Deliverability

Based on our findings, we offer suggestions to improve delivery and enhance overall deliverability rates:

  • Content optimization: Suggesting adjustments to copy and email design to reduce the likelihood of triggering spam filters.
  • Segmentation strategies: Encouraging segmentation of email lists to deliver targeted content, thereby enhancing engagement and reducing complaints.
  • Frequency adjustments: Advising on optimal email frequency to maintain subscriber engagement without overwhelming recipients.
  • Compliance check: Ensuring adherence to email marketing regulations and best practices to mitigate future deliverability issues.

Further reading: For more, check our email deliverability best practices post.

Proactive Approach and Continuous Improvement

Our proactive approach extends beyond reactive measures.

By leveraging CSA’s Monitoring tool and complaint metrics, we not only resolve immediate issues but also implement strategies for long-term success. Collaborating closely with clients, we foster a culture of compliance and excellence in email marketing.

At Moosend, the integration of CSA’s Monitoring tool has enabled us to maintain high deliverability standards.

By looking at complaint metrics and analyzing the data, we empower our clients to achieve optimal email performance.

As we continue to evolve, our commitment to leveraging advanced tools and strategies remains steadfast, ensuring our clients’ messages reach their intended audiences effectively and ethically.

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