Write for Moosend's Blog

Expand your audience and share your insights with more than 2 million visitors worldwide. Join our Content Contribution Program today!

Interested in making a contribution? Fill the form below

    General Rules

    Before you pitch an idea, consult our blog to avoid creating duplicate or irrelevant content.

    Pitch your idea through our form’s message field. Be original and creative.

    If we accept your pitch, write an original blog post in 2000+ words. Use Google Docs and send us a link with edit access when you’re done.

    Don't be overly promotional with specific products or services.

    Add videos (.mp4) and images (.png) in the draft and send them separately in a zip folder as well.

    Include a short bio with a headshot.

    SEO/Technical Writing Rules

    Use 1 highly valuable external resource every 100 words.

    Add 5+ internal links in each article.

    All statistics and quotes should be linked to the original source and credit the original research.

    All images and screenshots must be cited.

    The main keyword should generate 200+ searches per month.

    Images should be 700px wide at most. There is no maximum height requirement, but make sure to maintain a reasonable width-to-height ratio.

    Moosend’s team reserves the right to make any edits they see fit before publishing the article.

    General Rules

    SEO/Technical Writing Rules

    Before you pitch an idea, consult our blog to avoid creating duplicate or irrelevant content.

    Pitch your idea through our form’s message field. Be original and creative.

    If we accept your pitch, write an original blog post in 2000+ words. Use Google Docs and send us a link with edit access when you’re done.

    Don't be overly promotional with specific products or services.

    Add videos (.mp4) and images (.png) in the draft and send them separately in a zip folder as well.

    Include a short bio with a headshot.

    Use 1 highly valuable external resource every 100 words.

    Add 5+ internal links in each article.

    All statistics and quotes should be linked to the original source and credit the original research.

    All images and screenshots must be cited.

    The main keyword should generate 200+ searches per month.

    Images should be 700px wide at most. There is no maximum height requirement, but make sure to maintain a reasonable width-to-height ratio.

    Moosend’s team reserves the right to make any edits they see fit before publishing the article.


    Let's answer some quick question you might have about our content contribution program.

    What kind of topics do you accept?

    Moosend is an all-in-one marketing blog that covers a wide range of topics. The topics below are listed in order of priority. Please note that the topic you select will greatly affect the chances of your content getting published.

    1. Email Marketing
    2. Marketing Automation
    3. Landing Pages
    4. Subscription Forms
    5. General Marketing
    6. Social Media
    7. Website(CRO)
    8. Affiliate Marketing

    Do you accept pre-written blog posts?

    No, we do not. Make sure to do your due diligence and create original content that hasn’t been published elsewhere.

    What happens after I submit my pitch?

    We review pitches every 2 weeks. After submitting your pitch, expect a follow up explaining the next steps.

    Please note that if you don’t hear back from us within a 4-week period, we’ve reviewed your pitch and decided to pass.

    How long does the publication process take?

    We reserve a maximum of 4 open spots for guest content each month.

    After going through the editing process, Moosend’s team will move your article in our active publication schedule.

    Expect your article to be published between 4-12 weeks later.